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welcome to wearmatter

Woman fastening magnetic side closure on adaptive gilet
Woman fastening magnetic shoulder closure on black adaptive t-shirt

WearMatter is a frontrunner in the adaptive clothing industry. Our passion is to design clothing that isn't just an outfit but a statement of empowerment.

Our impactful innovations redefine fashion's purpose. Blending style with a positive impact on individual lives and the planet. We design for a reason.

redefining the fashion industry
because every body matters

WearMatter black adaptive t-shirt wide neck closure with magnet
WearMatter Black sweatshirt close up detail image
Adaptive neck closure white t-shirt and adaptive gilet

Shop our Beanie Hats

Every purchase contributes to positive change, nurturing a more inclusive and compassionate world and gives us the opportunity to design more clothing for disabilities

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Fashion with a Purpose

At WearMatter our fashion goes beyond aesthetics – it's a purposeful statement. Our impactful innovations redefine fashion's purpose, they blend style with a positive impact on individual lives and the planet.

Reasons We Matter

Empowering Together

Empowering individuals is our mission. Empowerment is stitched into every fabric. Our adaptive clothing ranges transform clothing into a source of confidence and self-expression.

Community Connections

At the core of WearMatter lies our community, where connections hold immense significance. We design for and with you, ensuring our products reflect the authentic needs and preferences of our diverse members.

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Seamstress operating overlocker machine, wearing WM adaptive t-shirt

Adaptive Alteration service

WearMatter's adaptive alteration service is dedicated to crafting solutions for clothing for disabilities.

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